Sunday, May 31, 2015

Trinity Sunday

I have such good childhood memories of the parish in our small home town. I can still remember how packed the church was, pretty much EVERY Sunday. And I remember all the men coming in suits and ties, and parking their Frank Sinatra hats at the back, and the entire congregation singing hymns--yes, real hymns. (I especially remember my dad's booming joyful voice singing these hymns.)

But of course it wasn't about us. In those days we still thought church had something to do with worshipping God. It's a great comfort to hear these hymns after all these years of "Peace is Flowing Like a River," and "Thank You, God, For Giving Us Us," and "Break Not the Circle of Enabling Love" (honest, I didn't make that last one up; it's real).

"O God Almighty Father" (sung by regular folk, but lovely):

And... "Holy! Holy! Holy!" (King's College Choir):


Friday, May 29, 2015

This makes me want to start collecting stamps.

The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a stamp in honour (or perhaps I'd better say "honor") of Flannery O'Connor. Good on ya, USA! Just lovely.

Very much thanks to Mrs. S. for alerting me to this on Facebook.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mrs. Beazly, it looks like you'll have to return that extra-large bathtub you ordered.

Cuz your provincial government just outlawed the hobby you were hoping would make you some spare cash. Jeez. They needed a province-wide law for this? What would we DO without gubmint to protect us?!

This doesn't bode well for my golden years

Or... I could just ignore it, as I do most food/medical "research".
