Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy birthday, Mom

Fun fact (well, terribly tragic, in Marilyn's case): What do my mom and Marilyn Monroe have in common? (Besides both being beautiful and knowing how to rock a 50s frock)

Answer: they were both pregnant 13 times. Marilyn (reportedly) had 12 abortions and 1 miscarriage. Mom had 13 babies...and 50-something grandchildren (some of whom are already in heaven)...and more great-grandchildren than I have time to count (though I'm sure to get around to it when I'm feeing less lazy).

1 comment:

  1. My mum had 13 pregnancies. 12 surviving and one miscarriage. What a gift to their children were these women? And my mum was one of 12, herself. So I am one of 80 something cousins on my maternal side. When studying the Exodus and the creation of the nation of Israel, it was easier for me to understand the 12 tribes. It's funny, because Facebook has brought home to me how profoundly diverse a family can become within a couple of generations, particularly when parents lose confidence in their authority and their faith. But regardless of my ponderings, what a blessing to know that our mothers were our mothers and not Marilyn.
