Saturday, January 15, 2011

If it's a good strategy for cigarette packages...

...why not for sex-ed classes?
With memories of sex-ed classes that relied on “boring workshops” and “disgusting pictures” of sexually transmitted diseases—a strategy he characterizes as “you shouldn’t do this because you can get this”—Jones finds this new approach refreshing.
Oh, wait, I forgot - smoking is a physical pleasure which can result in a myriad of health problems, so teens shouldn't do it at all. Non-marital sex is a really intense physical pleasure which can result in a myriad of health problems, so teens should have all the help they can get if they feel like doing it. Understood.

h/t Mark Shea


  1. "Jones finds this new approach refreshing."

    Cuz nothing is more "refreshing" than talking about a used condom wrapped in kleenex...

  2. Yes, the whole topic of teen promiscuity is like a breath of spring, isn't it?
