Friday, October 12, 2012


Both the icon and the story. From English 

Yesterday evening, to celebrate the opening of the Year of Faith, a torchlight procession organized by the Catholic Action group with thousands of people participating from every continent and state of life in the Church took place here in Rome. The procession ended in St Peter’s Square, and, as had his predecessor, the Blessed John XXIII on the same night exactly a half-century earlier, Pope Benedict XVI appeared at his window in the Apostolic Palace to greet the faithful. “Today, as 50 years ago,” said Pope Benedict, “we can be happy, because we carry the joy of the gospel, with us.” Evoking the extraordinary and prophetic gentleness and familiarity of Blessed John XXIII, Pope Benedict said, “50 years ago, at this very window, the good Pope John appeared and spoke to us with unforgettable words, words full of poetry, goodness, the words of the heart.”
Pope Benedict concluded his remarks by making his own the request of ‘Good Pope John’: “Go home to your children, and hug them tenderly. Tell them, ‘this tenderness is from the Pope.’

We love you too, Papa.

h/t Robin on FB


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