Friday, September 25, 2015

Why I refuse to take part in any more online ‘Who Do you Match?’ Quizzes

And not just because it should be “Whom”…

One time I took the “Which Pride and Prejudice Character Are You?” quiz.

I was, even then, too old and wise to expect “Elizabeth.” I was fully prepared for “Mrs. Bennett.” (Stop laughing, daughters.) I was wholly unprepared for (wait for it) LYDIA. At my age? Dear Lord.

The last time I took such a quiz, it was “Which Princess Bride Character are You?

C’mon Inigo, or at least Vizzini… 

(drum roll)

Prince Humperdinck? Really? I’d have preferred the Albino Monk or the old hag in the town square booing the princess.

I will not, I repeat NOT take part in the latest quiz I saw on Facebook: Which Celebrity do you Most Resemble?

Because with my luck…

Self-Esteem Police, take a deep breath! I know I don't look like this, but sometimes I feel like this, and that's almost as bad (or I behave like him, which is infinitely worse).


  1. Mate, I'd take Lydia over Mickey Rourke any day. Cosima did one of those face-match things on the ipod & that's what mine came up with.
    I kid you not.
