Friday, October 12, 2012

Priceless piece from Fr. Raymond J. de Souza

On damsels and handsome princes. (National Post)

One observes first that the damsels are not in distress. They are doing just fine, with good jobs, an active circle of friends, participation in health clubs, book clubs, even a dynamic parish life. They are not lounging on the couch, playing video games and waiting for the phone to ring.
Perhaps many of them feel like Snow White, waiting for their prince to show up while stuck with the seven dwarfs, men of arrested development content to hang out with their “bros.” An increasing number of young women hear the depressing compliment from their boyfriends that they are “just like one of the guys.” The dream of every girl: to be an eighth dwarf.
Every woman wants to find somebody who puts her wishes ahead of his own interests. Westley does so in an extreme and endearing fashion. In time, Buttercup learns that love demands the same of her, to sacrifice for the good of the beloved. She, like Westley before her, rises to the occasion. The measure of love, and its only real evidence, is the willingness to sacrifice my good for the one I love.

Pretty awesome stuff from a 'celibate male', what? (Hint: it's the Catholicism and his ministry to young people that makes him so smart.)
h/t Cecilia on Facebook

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