Friday, April 13, 2012

When life gives you lemons

And your daughter who is about to have a birthday asks you for one of these (to wit, a lemon-flavoured homemade ice cream cake for which no recipe exists that you know of), you make up a recipe and it turns out like this: 

Reviews were positive, but I was not entirely satisfied. The ice cream part did not taste tangy enough to me. I can't therefore post the recipe until I'm happy with it, so I guess I'll have to do some more tweaking.


  1. Sure! Nice excuse to keep eating ice cream cake. "Until I get the recipe right." *snort*

  2. Yes, of course, that had not occured to me until MUCH later *cough*. I'll have to keep eating, as well as tweaking...

  3. The photo looks great, anyway. You must have a really good camera.

    1. Thanks; I'll pass that on. These pics were taken by Miss P #4 (on her camera), the same one who took all the great sunset photos on Facebook. With my camera.

    2. Well, pass the compliment on, but not my lame joke about the good camera.

    3. Did you not see that very same lame "good camera" joke, written by me 2 days ago on FB, under her sunset photos? You really HAVE hidden my feed.

    4. The Hidden Feed Is All, but the Shared Brain is Yet. That there can be the title of your next book.

  4. Do some recipe tweaking around April 24 or 25
