Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ladies Against Feminism

AKA "Beautiful Womanhood" produced by some lovely and dedicated sisters in Christ. I can't decide which I like more: the totally cool title/address of the blog (so modestly cheeky; so succinctly brilliant in its encapsulation of history, culture, etc.) or the content. From their "About" page: 

We are for maidenhood, modesty, virtue, intelligence, womanly arts, and femininity. Join the new revolution!

Amen, sisters! 

I stumbled across it when I was googling for something I'd written online. I see (blushing) that they have re-posted several of my articles from MercatorNet, to the point that I seem to be on first-name terms with them. I am humbled and honoured, thank you. 

And they link to Steyn! Need I say more? But of course I will. 

I also see that LAF (love that acronym too! Just what we should do to Satan and his minions, most of whom are a pretty dour lot) was founded in 2002. Which means that this year, they celebrate their 10th anniversary as an online presence for faith and family. Well, done, LADIES!! 

Do go over and have a look.

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