Monday, February 20, 2012

Your Daily Dose of Doug

It's time to admit it: I have Paisleymania. I'm sure my family is tired of listening to me humming, listening to, and talking about Doug Paisley's music, so in order to ease my condition I will have to start a fan site. ( At least there I can rave about it without anyone trying to hide my iPod.

I wish I had known Doug Paisley was going to be my new favorite artist because I would have been a LOT more excited when he walked out on stage at the National Arts Center a couple of weeks ago. Oh, well. Next time.

This guy deserves to be better known. His music has become my Constant Companion. Get thee to iTunes and make it yours, too. Now here's a question: why is Canadian music so good, but most Canadian TV so bad? Ponder and discuss.


  1. Music vs TV: I dunno. I was going to say something about the CBC, but guess who hosts Q TV...
    Then there were Mr. Dressup and the Friendly Giant. And Don Cherry. So there is some good TV. I'm confused.

    Red Rider! Blue Rodeo! Doug Paisley! Is it a colour/pattern thing?

  2. Don't forget Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Cyan Adams and Teal Young.
